The news about the casino industry confirms that promoting a business in this market is difficult. This verdict is directly applicable to the rise in casino traffic since the digital world, along with regulations, limits, and player preferences is constantly changing.
On the other hand, any online casino requires a steady stream of high-quality traffic to operate. What are the best places to look for traffic that converts? What are the best channels to use in 2021? The guys from Exycasinos helped us to answer the questions.
You Check Your Casino Site’s Traffic and See Poor Performance
As previously mentioned, the gambling industry is unquestionably one of the most difficult to reach in terms of client outreach. Although casino entertainment is highly popular today, there is a lot of competition among gambling websites. Even when faced with significant legal restrictions, operators must put up effort and look for alternative channels to sell their services.
So, if you look at your online casino’s statistics and notice low traffic performance, it’s time to make a change. You’re probably still using outdated customer acquisition strategies and resources. Experts in the casino traffic sector have shared useful tips on how to drive traffic to a casino this year.
Trending Gambling Web Traffic Sources in 2021
To begin, it’s worth noting that certain well-known channels continue to operate well and can be used to drive traffic. New social networks, on the other hand, are entering the market, providing advertisers with a wider choice of options. Let’s take a look at the most popular gaming traffic sources in 2021.
It seems that Facebook’s use as a traffic source will never be maximized. At the same time, properly setting things up takes a long time. Does it pay back? The answer is yes. After getting approval for the company, the app account, and starting a well-thought-out campaign in Facebook Ads Manager, an online casino may generate a large amount of traffic. Of course, the “Facebook + apps” pattern only works if your creatives are appealing.
Advertisers, for example, may select between two themes: success stories and emotional content that encourages users to join an online casino and play for pleasure. Both may drive traffic to a gambling website, but keep in mind that newcomers will act differently at a casino since they have different goals. For such ads, experts recommend using a WebView tool.
One of Facebook’s primary benefits is the large number of users from various geolocations. Furthermore, webmasters have a wider choice of software to choose from and have a better chance of being approved by the social network if they run advertising campaigns using applications.
New entertainment services are continuously being added to the digital area, providing more opportunities for webmasters. TikTok, a video-based platform, was just recently launched, but it quickly drew the attention of marketers looking for a new way to reach their target demographic.
Nonetheless, TikTok is a new and unexplored territory. So, does it truly help with traffic growth? Of course, if you know how to correctly use the service’s features. It’s worth noting that TikTok isn’t exactly an easy platform to promote on. Only experienced affiliate marketers understand how to deal with it.
The first and most critical step is to warm up your accounts. It means that account owners should act like real users, engaging with content and following pages relevant to their interests. The second and equally important step is to make the account visually appealing and to provide information that fully describes the offer. The owners then add high-quality and entertaining content to their accounts, which has the potential to become viral and result in an increase in traffic volume. The following actions are typical of affiliate marketing professionals. They use special domains or other means to redirect visitors to a website.
Google UAC
Google Universal App Campaigns is a useful tool for effectively driving traffic. Many experts agree that it is the most effective method for acquiring traffic and have many examples to back up their claims. If Google approves an advertiser, it is allowed to advertise gambling services.
You will need an application that fits all of the requirements, as implied by the name. Ad creatives have a huge impact on the outcome as well. The Internet giant often disables applications and accounts because it is technologically advanced and understands how to properly check information. As a result, media buyers must be ready to work hard in all areas. According to experts, every part of the ad should be checked, starting with the text and concluding with the mobile software to which it leads. It will guarantee that your advertising is correctly moderated.
UAC is a very effective method for increasing traffic to casino websites in general. Setting the right target and providing Google with a thorough understanding of your target audience will undoubtedly help you in achieving remarkable results. Experts in affiliate marketing advise paying attention to your ad creatives, application quality, and account warming up. These three factors will contribute to the success of your CPA marketing strategy.